The national service scheme (NSS) wasinitiated by the Government of India in year 1969. It aims at developing amongstudents a sense of participation in nation building through Social work. Thisdepend understanding of the social environment and enriches his/herpersonality through actual participation in day to day life of thesociety. 

The NSS in the college start in 2022 with one unit of 50 students. The NSS unit has been functioningwith full vigor and enthusiasm.

Aim: Theaim of the NSS is “Education through communityservice”

Activities: following  aresome important program taken in the NSS unit of the college:

1.        Campus cleaning 
2.        Tree plantation 
3.        Awareness creation  
4.        West land development  
5.        Education service  
6.        Celebration of Importantdays.  
7.        Cultural activities   
8.        Nukkad Natak awareness  
9.        One day camp for plantation  
10.     Special camp in selected village